Villages list of Bungte Chiru block
Here are the full list of villages in Bungte Chiru block. Which can be useful for you.
There are 28 villages in Bungte Chiru block.
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Here are the full list of villages of Bungte Chiru block.
# |
Village Name |
1 |
Bungte Chiru |
2 |
Bungte Khullen |
3 |
Chahjol Joupi |
4 |
Chini Ingkhol |
5 |
Haibung |
6 |
Ichum Keirap |
7 |
Joupi |
8 |
Khoirok (dolang Khunou) |
9 |
Khoripok |
10 |
Laimaton Thangbuh |
11 |
Loibol Khullen |
12 |
Loibol Khunou |
13 |
Manamjang |
14 |
Mongbung Tongneh |
15 |
Nunggang (chongphun) |
16 |
Nungsai Chiru |
17 |
P. Aigejang (a. Lhunkhojang) |
18 |
Parengba |
19 |
Sadar Joute |
20 |
Sadu Chiru |
21 |
Salem Khoirok |
22 |
Siangai Namdai |
23 |
Tingkai Khullen |
24 |
Tingkai Khunou |
25 |
Tuikhang Aimol |
26 |
Wainem |
27 |
Waroiching Kuki |
28 |
Haipijang |