Villages list of Kulgam block
Here are the full list of villages in Kulgam block. Which can be useful for you.
There are 45 villages in Kulgam block.
You can also see:
Here are the full list of villages of Kulgam block.
# |
Village Name |
1 |
Amnoo |
2 |
Arreh |
3 |
Awgam |
4 |
Awhatoo |
5 |
Batsargam |
6 |
Bon Khandipora |
7 |
Brazloo |
8 |
Bugam |
9 |
Bumrath |
10 |
Chanser |
11 |
Chehlan |
12 |
Chekpora Bemdora |
13 |
Dadipora |
14 |
Ganosar Gam |
15 |
Hadigam |
16 |
Jadi Pora Jagir |
17 |
Jadi Pora Khalsa |
18 |
Kachow Hallan |
19 |
Kanchewa |
20 |
Kani Pora |
21 |
Katrasoo |
22 |
Laroo Jagir |
23 |
Laroo Khalisa |
24 |
Lirrow |
25 |
Mohi Pora |
26 |
Mohmadpora |
27 |
Nani Bugh |
28 |
Nursingh Pora |
29 |
Okey |
30 |
Pani Pora |
31 |
Paniwah |
32 |
Peth Khandipora |
33 |
Ramgarh |
34 |
Sangus |
35 |
Shali Pora |
36 |
Shouch |
37 |
Shurat Jagir |
38 |
Shurat Khalisa |
39 |
Soper |
40 |
Tazipora |
41 |
Yes Batapora |
42 |
Zazri Pora |
43 |
Ashthal |
44 |
Pranhall |
45 |
Matipora Zaban |