Villages list of Tujjar Sharief block
Here are the full list of villages in Tujjar Sharief block. Which can be useful for you.
There are 16 villages in Tujjar Sharief block.
You can also see:
Here are the full list of villages of Tujjar Sharief block.
# |
Village Name |
1 |
Bomai |
2 |
Edipora |
3 |
Goripora Darpora |
4 |
Harwan |
5 |
Khirman Reshihan |
6 |
Lathishort |
7 |
Logri Pora |
8 |
Mulpora Panditan |
9 |
Nathi Pora |
10 |
Nowpora Tujar |
11 |
Sagi Pora |
12 |
Tujar Pehlihar |
13 |
Wadoora |
14 |
Yamberzalwari |
15 |
Zaloora |
16 |
Zonipora |