Villages list of Bhalessa sub-district
Here are the full list of villages in Bhalessa sub-district. Which can be useful for you.
There are 48 villages in Bhalessa sub-district.
You can also see:
Here are the full list of villages of Bhalessa sub-district.
# |
Village Name |
1 |
Achair |
2 |
Alnigangota |
3 |
Amarsingh Pora |
4 |
Amarsinghpura |
5 |
Anganool |
6 |
Barthi |
7 |
Batara |
8 |
Bhargi |
9 |
Bhatmas |
10 |
Bheja |
11 |
Changa |
12 |
Chanser |
13 |
Chanti Balla |
14 |
Chanti Paine |
15 |
Chochloo |
16 |
Chonwary |
17 |
Dalien |
18 |
Darie |
19 |
Dhadkaie |
20 |
Dharevery |
21 |
Dhossa |
22 |
Dudwar |
23 |
Gandoh |
24 |
Ganshana |
25 |
Ghill |
26 |
Gowaloo |
27 |
Gowari |
28 |
Gurekhara |
29 |
Halore |
30 |
Inharrah |
31 |
Kahaljugasar |
32 |
Kaharangal |
33 |
Kakoo |
34 |
Kandoloo |
35 |
Kilhotran |
36 |
Kunan |
37 |
Ludoo |
38 |
Mandhan |
39 |
Pora Balla |
40 |
Pora Paine |
41 |
Raila |
42 |
Raj Pura |
43 |
Samaie |
44 |
Shingani |
45 |
Sinoo Dalori |
46 |
Taintly |
47 |
Thaloran |
48 |
Trithloo |