Villages list of Chirgaon sub-district
Here are the full list of villages in Chirgaon sub-district. Which can be useful for you.
There are 116 villages in Chirgaon sub-district.
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Here are the full list of villages of Chirgaon sub-district.
# |
Village Name |
1 |
Ambot (81) |
2 |
Andhra (62) |
3 |
Atgaon (27) |
4 |
Bagi (63) |
5 |
Bahli (38) |
6 |
Bakora (59) |
7 |
Barshil (94) |
8 |
Bhamphar |
9 |
Bhatwari (84) |
10 |
Bhetyani (44) |
11 |
Bosari (71) |
12 |
Chelala (39) |
13 |
Chichwari (53) |
14 |
Chirgaon (64) |
15 |
Chiroti (46) |
16 |
Denwari (65) |
17 |
Deodi (82) |
18 |
Dev Ban Dhar (4) |
19 |
Dhagoli (48) |
20 |
Dhandanwari |
21 |
Dhar Chanshal -i (98) |
22 |
Dhar Chanshal-ii (107) |
23 |
Dhar Chhalti (86) |
24 |
Dhar Gewas (149) |
25 |
Dhar Jabal (56) |
26 |
Dhar Kalga Patan (75) |
27 |
Dhar Kashauni (93) |
28 |
Dhar Rohal (55) |
29 |
Dhar Sippan (87) |
30 |
Dhunana (43) |
31 |
Diudi Mayla |
32 |
Dodra(bp) |
33 |
D.p.f. Ambot (80) |
34 |
D.p.f. Bagi-ii (147) |
35 |
D.p.f. Bari (35) |
36 |
D.p.f. Bhampar (34) |
37 |
D.p.f. Chiroti (45) |
38 |
D.p.f. Deodi (83) |
39 |
D.p.f. Dhak Gaon (122) |
40 |
D.p.f. Dhunana (36) |
41 |
D.p.f. Diswani (132) |
42 |
D.p.f. Dogra (112) |
43 |
D.p.f. Gokswari (77) |
44 |
D.p.f. Hadwani (29) |
45 |
D.p.f. Jabal (57) |
46 |
D.p.f. Jakhi (117) |
47 |
D.p.f. Jakhnoti (31) |
48 |
D.p.f. Jitata (126) |
49 |
D.p.f. Kawalta (32) |
50 |
D.p.f. Khabal (67) |
51 |
D.p.f. Kharshali (103) |
52 |
D.p.f. Khasha Dhar (113) |
53 |
D.p.f. Kiani (143) |
54 |
D.p.f. Mayela (90) |
55 |
D.p.f. Nalku (105) |
56 |
D.p.f. Nirja (139) |
57 |
D.p.f. Pujarli (42) |
58 |
D.p.f. Telga -i (111) |
59 |
D.p.f. Telga-ii (114) |
60 |
D.p.f. Telga-iii (115) |
61 |
D.p.f. Topn Jasan (106) |
62 |
Dungiani (37) |
63 |
Gajyani (70) |
64 |
Gaonsari (50) |
65 |
Gayari (61) |
66 |
Gokswari (78) |
67 |
Goskwari (26) |
68 |
Gumna (22) |
69 |
Hadwani (30) |
70 |
Haunchali (28) |
71 |
Hingori (52) |
72 |
Jabal (58) |
73 |
Jadkot (104) |
74 |
Jakha |
75 |
Jakhali (95) |
76 |
Jakhi (118) |
77 |
Jakhnoti (33) |
78 |
Jangal Sharoli (8) |
79 |
Jangal Todsa (17) |
80 |
Jangla (bp) |
81 |
Janglikh (89) |
82 |
Jhanjwani (60) |
83 |
Jiskoon |
84 |
Jitata (127) |
85 |
Kanthali (47) |
86 |
Kawar(bp) |
87 |
Khabal (68) |
88 |
Kharshali (102) |
89 |
Khasha Dhar (120) |
90 |
Larot (99) |
91 |
Maila Bhtwari |
92 |
Maktot (49) |
93 |
Mandli (40) |
94 |
Mayela (91) |
95 |
Peja (110) |
96 |
Pekha (79) |
97 |
Petarli (76) |
98 |
Pundras (100) |
99 |
Raosi (51) |
100 |
Rohal (54) |
101 |
Sandasu (109) |
102 |
Seri (66) |
103 |
Shiladesh (97) |
104 |
Sindasli (74) |
105 |
Sondari (72) |
106 |
Sunda Bhoura (41) |
107 |
Sundabhyndha (bp) |
108 |
Sundha-bhonda |
109 |
Tangnun (85) |
110 |
Telga (108) |
111 |
Thaitwari (88) |
112 |
Thalathar (96) |
113 |
Thana (bp) |
114 |
Tikri (69) |
115 |
Tiser (92) |
116 |
Wachari (23) |