Villages list of Dambuk Adc sub-district
Here are the full list of villages in Dambuk Adc sub-district. Which can be useful for you.
There are 29 villages in Dambuk Adc sub-district.
You can also see:
Here are the full list of villages of Dambuk Adc sub-district.
# |
Village Name |
1 |
Agam |
2 |
Akoko |
3 |
Bizari I |
4 |
Bizari Ii |
5 |
Bizari Iii |
6 |
Bomjir |
7 |
Dambuk H.q. |
8 |
Ehili Brwa |
9 |
Gamyoing |
10 |
Gandhi (lasum) |
11 |
Kapang(hydel Project) |
12 |
Katon |
13 |
Keara-ah (chimu) |
14 |
New Poblung |
15 |
Patbuk |
16 |
Patsam |
17 |
Poblung - I |
18 |
Poblung - Ii |
19 |
Poblung Iii |
20 |
Rasing |
21 |
Remi |
22 |
Sikkol |
23 |
Sirang |
24 |
Tapat |
25 |
Tetong |
26 |
Tipo |
27 |
Tusin Gite |
28 |
Yagpo |
29 |
Yagrung |