Villages list of Jangla sub-district
Here are the full list of villages in Jangla sub-district. Which can be useful for you.
There are 48 villages in Jangla sub-district.
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Here are the full list of villages of Jangla sub-district.
# |
Village Name |
1 |
Amboi (14) |
2 |
Badiara (12) |
3 |
Bagi (146) |
4 |
Banoti Khas (1/1) |
5 |
Bhamwari (6) |
6 |
Bhangara (130) |
7 |
Bhatwa (135) |
8 |
Bhatwari (141) |
9 |
Dali (125) |
10 |
Devi Dhar (21) |
11 |
Dhak Gaon (121) |
12 |
Dhar Bani Thach (148) |
13 |
Diswani (131) |
14 |
D.p.f. Bagi-iii (140) |
15 |
D.p.f. Dali (124) |
16 |
D.p.f. Gewas (144) |
17 |
D.p.f. Rikshal (129) |
18 |
D.p.f. Shal-dhar (119) |
19 |
D.p.f. Sindasli (73) |
20 |
Dumrera (3) |
21 |
Gewas (145) |
22 |
Gharshal Up Mahal (1/2) |
23 |
Gumma (101) |
24 |
Jaghoti (134) |
25 |
Jailot (18) |
26 |
Jhalwari (9) |
27 |
Jhatwari (138) |
28 |
Kaloti (136) |
29 |
Kamraun (133) |
30 |
Kharot (123) |
31 |
Kulgaon (11) |
32 |
Kutra (7) |
33 |
Laka-kiani (142) |
34 |
Limbra (20) |
35 |
Magwani (10/2) |
36 |
Manghara (2) |
37 |
Masli (128) |
38 |
Mathla (5) |
39 |
Nandla (10/1) |
40 |
Nimnam Dhar (120) |
41 |
Ranol (25) |
42 |
Sari (24) |
43 |
Shagli (19) |
44 |
Sharkali (137) |
45 |
Thali Jangla (13) |
46 |
Thana (15) |
47 |
Todsa (16) |
48 |
Urui Up Mahal (1/3) |