Villages list of Kahara sub-district
Here are the full list of villages in Kahara sub-district. Which can be useful for you.
There are 29 villages in Kahara sub-district.
You can also see:
Here are the full list of villages of Kahara sub-district.
# |
Village Name |
1 |
Batholi |
2 |
Bathri |
3 |
Batogra |
4 |
Bitola |
5 |
Budhi |
6 |
Chabba |
7 |
Dharyouth |
8 |
Dichal |
9 |
Gallu |
10 |
Goela |
11 |
Gogara |
12 |
Halaran |
13 |
Hoja Bola |
14 |
Indlu |
15 |
Jia |
16 |
Joura Kalan |
17 |
Joura Khrud |
18 |
Kahi Trankal |
19 |
Kansoo |
20 |
Kencha |
21 |
Kuthyara |
22 |
Malanoo |
23 |
Nagni |
24 |
Paykal |
25 |
Ranote |
26 |
Shamdalian |
27 |
Sichal |
28 |
Srunga |
29 |
Tanta |