Villages list of Panchrukhi sub-district
Here are the full list of villages in Panchrukhi sub-district. Which can be useful for you.
There are 72 villages in Panchrukhi sub-district.
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Here are the full list of villages of Panchrukhi sub-district.
# |
Village Name |
1 |
Agoja Khas (750) |
2 |
Ambotu (737) |
3 |
Andora (743) |
4 |
Andreta (749) |
5 |
Badehr (688) |
6 |
Badera (712) |
7 |
Bagehr (699) |
8 |
Bahl (729) |
9 |
Bahru (249) |
10 |
Balu (243) |
11 |
Bandu (236) |
12 |
Barohal (241) |
13 |
Batahan (239) |
14 |
Bhamehr (719) |
15 |
Bharwana (757) |
16 |
Bhas Guar (707) |
17 |
Bhuana (734) |
18 |
Bhuana (756) |
19 |
Biara (752) |
20 |
Bodhal (683) |
21 |
Chakban (687) |
22 |
Chakban Andreta (747) |
23 |
Chakban Chhatru (681) |
24 |
Chandropa (691) |
25 |
Chauki (735) |
26 |
Chhatar (751) |
27 |
Dattal (704) |
28 |
Dohal (692) |
29 |
Dramman (675) |
30 |
Gadiara (242) |
31 |
Gadiar Pat (746) |
32 |
Gagahan (742) |
33 |
Gahr (235) |
34 |
Ghalun (732) |
35 |
Ghar (696) |
36 |
Gher (733) |
37 |
Gorehr (244) |
38 |
Har (748) |
39 |
Holsu (695) |
40 |
Kailashpur (731) |
41 |
Kandharal (237) |
42 |
Kangri (730) |
43 |
Karaur (738) |
44 |
Kasba Jagehr (672) |
45 |
Kosab (717) |
46 |
Kot (234) |
47 |
Kothi (682) |
48 |
Ladoh (701) |
49 |
Lahaman (744) |
50 |
Lamlehr (238) |
51 |
Lamlehr (697) |
52 |
Machhoi (736) |
53 |
Majhenu (698) |
54 |
Makol (720) |
55 |
Nadli (740) |
56 |
Palahu (689) |
57 |
Parnoh (700) |
58 |
Patguali (745) |
59 |
Ram Nagar (708) |
60 |
Rangru (741) |
61 |
Rathan (693) |
62 |
Ropa (694) |
63 |
Saliana (240) |
64 |
Samlehr (718) |
65 |
Samrial (690) |
66 |
Samriala (703) |
67 |
Saura (739) |
68 |
Simbal Khola (709) |
69 |
Tatehl (706) |
70 |
Thakur Dwara (702) |
71 |
Thandoh (705) |
72 |
Tikkar Khas (710) |